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Cruise lines pride themselves on their world-class dining room service, which means lots of jobs for chefs, galley cooks, wait staff, and hosts and hostesses.

There are plenty activities on board a cruise ship that require skilled instructors and trainers.

Working in food service is one of just many entry-level jobs that offer good benefits and a great work environment.

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Want to work on a cruise ship? Find out how. You couldn't have asked for a better time to be looking. Over the last two years, over 31,000 new cruise ship industry employment opportunities have been created. Whether you are looking for a job on a large international cruise ship that sails the world or a small eco-travel cruise ship that sails through the most remote areas of S.E. Alaska, you will find the information listed on the Cruise Insiders website invaluable for landing yourself a dream cruise ship job.

What types of cruise ship jobs are available?

A wide array of jobs are awaiting you aboard any of these ships. And many types of entry-level jobs are available, too, ranging from deckhands, ship officers, and maintenance crew to hotel staff, entertainers, tour guides, food and beverage workers, naturalists, and recreation and fitness directors. You're sure to find employment that will suit your skills and interests.

Whether you're a college student looking for a unique experience between school years, or anyone else seeking a break from the ordinary office environment, you'll find plenty of opportunities with cruise companies, large or small.

Next, it is important to evaluate the cruise job opportunities that are available today.


Take the next step: Link: Employment Opportunities on Cruise Ships


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